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Installing a Specific Go Version

By default the Go buildpack will read the version specified in your go.mod file. It is possible to override this version by setting the BP_GO_VERSION build argument.

Configuring the go build Command

FL0 compiles your Go source code with the go build command and includes certain flags by default. These flags can be overridden with the BP_GO_BUILD_FLAGS and BP_GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS build arguments.

Building Non-Default Packages

FL0 will compile the package in the app’s root directory by default. It is possible to build a non-default package (or packages) by setting the BP_GO_TARGETS build argument.

Build Arguments

Build Arguments let you configure how your application is built. There are many options depending on the language-specific buildpack. See the documentation page for more details on how to use Build Arguments.


Can be set to any valid semver version or version constraint (e.g. 1.14.1, 1.14.*).

Example: BP_GO_VERSION=1.14.1


Use this build argument to override the default flags set for the go build command.

Example: BP_GO_BUILD_FLAGS=-buildmode=default -tags=fl0


Pass -ldflags to the go build command.

Example: BP_GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS="-X main.variable=some-value


Use this build argument to specify a target other than the root directory.

Example: BP_GO_TARGETS=./my-other-package


If you are building a $GOPATH application that imports its own sub-packages, you will need to specify the import paths for those sub-packages.



By default, FL0 deletes the contents of your app source directory (except for built artifacts). Use this build argument to disable this behavior.

Example: BP_KEEP_FILES=true