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Static Sites

The Static Sites buildpack allows you to serve HTML/CSS/JS from a folder using either HTTPD or Nginx. This buildpack can be used in combination with other buildpacks. For example, you might have a Node.js application that builds a static site into the dist folder. The Static Site buildpack can be used to serve the built content.


Using Nginx

To use an Nginx web server, either add an nginx.conf to the root of your repo or set the BP_WEB_SERVER build argument to nginx.


To use an HTTPD web server, either add an httpd.conf to the root of your repo or set the BP_WEB_SERVER build argument to httpd.

Build Arguments

Build Arguments let you configure how your application is built. There are many options depending on the language-specific buildpack. See the documentation page for more details on how to use Build Arguments.


Accepts a value of either httpd or nginx.

Example: BP_WEB_SERVER=nginx.


Specify a folder other than the root directory.

Example: BP_WEB_SERVER_ROOT=dist


Use a specific version of HTTPD

Example: BP_HTTPD_VERSION=2.4.46


Use a specific version of NGINX Example: BP_NGINX_VERSION=1.19.8